White - Collar Crime

white collar crime

In matters pertaining to compliance with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and the current anti-bribery statutes in India, UTL LEGAL SOLUTION often serves both domestic and international clients. The skilled legal team at the firm has particular experience working with businesses who are being investigated for unethical behavior, those that are facing accusations of making inappropriate payments, and those that want to improve their ethics and compliance initiatives.

We frequently offer guidance on how to handle complex regulatory regimes by taking preventive measures, developing compliance processes, hiring the right staff, and putting policies in place to make sure that employees everywhere follow Indian anti-bribery laws and the applicable FCPA in the United States.

Based on our clients’ business models, locations of operation, and jurisdictional constraints, we customize our guidance to meet their needs. In addition to performing due diligence on sales agents and other third party representatives as part of proposed acquisitions and business expansion plans, our team has vast experience working with major multinational corporations to conduct compliance investigations in response to governmental agency inquiries and/or top management concerns regarding potential FCPA violations.